Saturday, June 28, 2008

Adventure Horseback Riding Tours and Vacation with offers new tour package for summer holiday 2008 with horseback riding as an adventure travel in Armenian villages and country-side. Anybody can take the riding tour both beginners and professionals with experienced guides.

Horseback riding tours are excellent for active rest. Riding horses offers travelers a perfect way to traverse the countryside viewing flora and fauna, as well as archaeological sites and monuments. Horse riding weekend is one of the best ways of being in a natural environment.

Holidays in the country-side are healthy rest in fresh mountain air among richness of plant life.

Traveling in Armenia and learning horse riding is a way practicing fascinating sport, while interacting with the culture and peoples. Common love of the horse becomes effective mean to form friendship with people in different places. Armenia is unique with ancient horse riding trails, used by villagers, shepherds and peasants in everyday life for travel and communication.

Horse riding organized by is good for amateurs and beginners. There is no need to be а professional to join adventure travelers in country-side of Armenia. Anyone will feel comfortable on the saddle learning horse riding with the help of travel guides. Horse riding travel trailers include socializing with villagers, hiking and ecological experiences. Armenia country-side is excellent summer lyrics holiday destination to make a dream of an ideal rest come true in the whistling wind, beauty of unharmed nature and the harmony with the obedient and brawny animal.


Unknown said...

I'm currently looking for a horse riding holiday for the family and would be interested in checking your facilities as you seem to appealing to experienced riders rather than novices?

Do you provide all the equiptment and equestrian clothing? Does this cater to all ages? How do you deal with the possibility of lanuages barriers?

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